Just finished this toy with breast necklace. I wanted a feeling of the mother powered breast instead of the breast as male toy. So I went to the Goddess from Ephesus, Turkey Artemis. For me the skeleton is the frame work, this child's foundation is the horse. I'm not the first to think of Artemis, Louise Bourgeois for one found inspiration there.
hi helen. good that you have a blog..a good way to follow your work.
great new ceramic work! will you make more rattles?
Yea!!! Go Helen! Good to see your new work, and it is easy to post on blogger! I'm not sure how the blogging works but have heard links are important and I'm happy to exchange links!
csr, yes there will be more rattles, they are sitting by my kiln and will be out by the end of Nov. ( unless I make the kiln gods unhappy somehow)
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